Sunday, April 21, 2024

[Earth Day] We must confront the most serious threat to birds and people alike →

Just how many birds we're able to protect depends on the support from bird lovers like you
Birds need you now; bird illustrations
National Audubon Society
Protect the birds you love; Rufous Hummingbird
Rufous Hummingbird.
2X Match Active [protect them]; Rufous Hummingbird illustration
It's not too late—but there's no time to lose. Early Earth Day match offer active now.

Tomorrow is Earth Day, a time to reaffirm our commitment to protecting the natural world and confronting the most serious threat to birds and people alike: Climate change. 2023 was the hottest year on record, and climate experts are now warning that we're approaching the threshold beyond which our damage to the climate will rapidly become irreversible.

We can create a safer future for vulnerable birds. In fact, we already are. But we must do more while we can. Just how many birds we're able to protect depends on steady support from committed bird lovers like you. So please, start your annual gift ahead of Earth Day and get your first gift matched for birds like the beloved Rufous Hummingbird.
Give the gift of protection [donate now]; bird illustrations
With more than a century of conservation expertise under our wing, our science-based solutions address both the impacts of climate change and its causes. We work to increase the resilience of birds and important habitats, while also fighting for cleaner energy and reduced carbon emissions. And with your support, our committed action for birds is already making a positive impact by:
  • Restoring and improving the resilience of important landscapes
  • Securing space, clean air, and clean water that birds and people need to live and thrive
  • Successfully advocating for climate legislation at the state and federal level
  • Transforming communities into places where birds flourish
The birds you cherish are at risk
Hummingbird Icon.
3 billion birds have vanished in less than one human lifetime.
Hummingbird Icon.
Two-thirds of North American bird species face the risk of climate extinction.
Hummingbird Icon.
70+ species of birds have lost half of their populations in the past 50 years.
What's more, we have shown that just by protecting what birds need to thrive, the whole planet benefits. Please start your annual donation right away while your first gift will be matched for birds and the places they need. And hurry: This powerful chance to help ends at midnight tomorrow!


National Audubon Society
Photo: Mick Thompson. Illustrations: Golden-winged Warbler, Rufous Hummingbird.
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(844) 428-3826

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