Tuesday, April 23, 2024

[Deadline Extended] Help birds weather the climate crisis before it’s too late

This crisis requires our attention 365 days a year. Get your first gift matched now.
Birds need you now; bird illustrations
National Audubon Society
Protect the birds you love; Rufous Hummingbird
Rufous Hummingbird.
2X Match Active [protect them]; Rufous Hummingbird illustration
Earth Day match extended! One more day to DOUBLE your impact.

Yesterday, we celebrated Earth Day, a reminder of our shared responsibility to preserve the precious planet we call home. However, with more than half of U.S. bird species in decline—and 70 of those, including the Rufous Hummingbird, at their "Tipping Point"—this crisis demands our attention 365 days a year.

Won't you join us in making every day Earth Day? To encourage bird lovers like you to flock together to help birds survive, we've extended our special match until midnight tonight. Start your annual donation now and get your first gift matched, up to $10,000, to help birds weather our climate crisis.
Give the gift of protection [donate now]; bird illustrations
The impacts of climate change are escalating faster than predicted. But there's hope in action, and we have practical, effective solutions. Together, we've shown that where there's action, there's hope for our beloved birds—bringing many species back from the brink using our proven combination of empowering education, committed advocacy, and expert on-the-ground conservation. With your support, our staff, chapters, and partners are working on the ground to protect and restore vital habitats and natural spaces and in state and national legislatures to strengthen conservation laws.
The birds you cherish are at risk
Hummingbird Icon.
3 billion birds have vanished in less than one human lifetime.
Hummingbird Icon.
Two-thirds of North American bird species face the risk of climate extinction.
Hummingbird Icon.
70+ species of birds have lost half of their populations in the past 50 years.
But we must do more while there's still time to build a brighter future for birds—and for that, we need you. Start your annual gift before midnight while it will still go twice as far for birds and the places they need. Don't wait: This Earth Day offer won't be extended again!


National Audubon Society
Photo: Ben Knoot/Audubon Photography Awards. Illustrations: Golden-winged Warbler, Rufous Hummingbird.
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(844) 428-3826 audubon.org

© 2024 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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