Monday, October 31, 2022

Bird on a Wire: Latest news from Audubon California

Corvid Intelligence | How to Draw Owls | Nature Access for All | Shorebirds at the Salton Sea | Bird Story Hour | Meeting the Vulture | Tricolored Blackbirds | Raven's Favor
Audubon California
How to Draw Owls | Nature Access for All | Shorebirds at the Salton Sea | Bird Story Hour | Meeting the Vulture | Tricolored Blackbirds | Raven's Favor
Common Raven
The Spooky Intelligence of Corvids


On Halloween, we celebrate the corvid family of ravens, crows, and jays with their spooky intelligence.


With their extra-large brains, research shows that corvids can use tools, recognize faces, master physics, create complex societies, and provide excellent parental care. A flock of crows is known as a "murder" and they will fiercely band together to mob humans who have wronged them. They are even known to hold "funerals" for their dead. 


While these stunning traits may frighten you a bit, today's episode of Bird Note Radio reminds us that around the world, corvids represent a diversity of meaning, including guides to our destinies, symbols of fate, and blessings on love and marriage. Do corvids have a special meaning in your life? If so, share it with us!


As we say at Audubon, Happy Owl-O-Ween!

Gaylon Parsons
Interim Executive Director
Audubon California

Common Raven. Photo: Andrew Lunt/Audubon Photography Awards
Great Horned Owl
Bird of the Month: Great Horned Owl
The Great Horned Owl is aggressive and powerful in its hunting, sometimes known by nicknames such as 'tiger owl'. They begin nesting very early in the north, and their deep hoots may be heard rolling across the forest on mid-winter nights. Read more
Great Horned Owls. Photo: Martin Schiff/Audubon Photography Awards
Coulter Pine
Native Plant: Coulter Pine
Owls love to nest in pine trees. Coulter pine (Pinus coulteri) is an evergreen conifer native to the coastal mountains from central California to the Baja peninsula and is well-established within the Los Padres National Forest. Learn more about Native Plants and Trees
Coulter Pine. Photo: Bryant Baker (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Great Horned Owl Drawing by John Muir Laws
How to Draw Owls
Owls have incredible camouflage, which also can make them confusing to draw. Learn some tips to make your owl come to life with acclaimed artist John Muir Laws. We will also practice drawing owls in their environment, such as perched in dense trees.
Great Horned Owl. Drawing: John Muir Laws
Historic Win: Equitable Outdoor Access is Now Law in California
We did it! Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Equitable Outdoor Access Act (AB 30) into law, a historic milestone toward achieving equitable opportunities for safe and affordable access to nature for all Californians.
Birding. Photo: Canva
Salton Sea Bird Survey
Shorebirds Flock to the Salton Sea
In the 100-degree heat at the Salton Sea, we counted thousands upon thousands of Black-necked Stilts, Long-billed Curlews, Least and Western Sandpipers, and smaller but still significant numbers of Black-bellied and Snowy Plovers, Marbled Godwits, and less common Stilt Sandpipers. This is why the Salton Sea is vital for birds. 
Salton Sea Bird Survey. Photo: Andrea Jones
The Bird Story Hour
The Birds Who Saved My Life
During this month's Bird Story Hour, our theme was THE BIRDS WHO SAVED MY LIFE. Have you ever had a scary or challenging moment when a feathered friend showed up to rescue you? Are there any birds who have played a key role in your life? Our guest storyteller is Virginia Rose, founder of Birdability. Come hear her remarkable story.
The Bird Story Hour. Image: Audubon California
Turkey Vulture.
Meeting the Vulture

A sudden encounter inspires an ode to the Turkey Vulture by Audubon member Leslie Friedman.

Turkey Vulture. Photo: Michelle Maani
Tricolored Blackbird
Audubon and Partners Protected 155,000 Tricolored Blackbirds in 2022
The Tricolored Blackbird is a California icon but is vulnerable due to drought and habitat loss. Thankfully, we've successfully worked with our partners to protect Tricolored Blackbird colonies, saving 155,000 birds in 2022. Together, we're stewarding new generations of Tricolored Blackbirds in the Central Valley.
Tricolored Blackbird Photo: Natalia Sojka
Common Raven
Raven's Favor
In this tale of wild communication, hear how a raven warned two hikers of a mama bear on their path. 
Common Raven. Photo: Breanna Wilson/Audubon Photography Awards
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(415) 644-4600 |

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