Monday, July 24, 2023

Wildfires rip through the western United States, and imperil beloved birds

Get your first annual gift matched for birds like the California Spotted Owl.
Right now, record wildfires fueled by climate change are ripping through the western United States, imperiling even birds like the California Spotted Owl who generally benefit from fires. At a time when we've already lost 3 billion birds in the last 50 years, we can't let any more critical species disappear.
What matters most is what people like you—people who care about birds and are ready to help—do next. We're counting on caring friends like you to join us with an annual donation right away, while your first gift will be matched, up to $5,000, for birds in need. So please, start your annual recurring gift now.
National Audubon Society
California Spotted Owl.
California Spotted Owl.
Match Active
Our best efforts on behalf of birds depend on your support

Unearthly orange skies and smoky days devoid of birdsong. That's all that remains after megafires rip through formerly pristine bird habitats. Even forest birds like the California Spotted Owl—known to thrive in the aftermath of wildfires—struggle to rebuild in the scorched terrain.

You may have seen the recent news that Canada's current fire season is already the worst since modern recordkeeping began in 1983. And in the United States, record-breaking forest fires fueled by climate change are becoming an all-too-common occurrence.

In this code-red emergency, birds are counting on caring friends like you to give them a safer future. We still need a few more dedicated annual donors to rise to this Match Challenge. Thanks to a group of generous donors, your first gift will be matched, up to $5,000. Can we count on you? Start your annual gift today, and do your best for the birds you love ahead of Thursday's deadline. An annual gift is a convenient way to provide for birds' future, as it renews automatically each year.
Birds face a firestorm of threats
Big burns are natural, but climate change is making especially destructive fire seasons the new normal. And North American bird species—two-thirds of which are already threatened with increasing risk of extinction due to a changing climate—are paying the price. But, with the support of generous people like you, we're protecting resilient landscapes, reducing carbon by restoring and protecting habitats that sequester carbon out of the atmosphere, and pushing for the large-scale change it will take to ease habitat loss and help reverse the climate crisis.
Megafires threaten critical bird habitats
Climate change has led to an increase in wildfire season length, wildfire frequency, and burned area.
If climate change continues unchecked, more extreme weather events, including wildfires, drought, and extreme heat, lie ahead.
We're in the midst of a global biodiversity crisis, with 3 billion birds lost in the last 50 years.
Our efforts are making an impact—but just how much we're able to accomplish for birds and the habitats they so desperately need depends on your reliable support. So please, start your annual recurring gift before midnight Thursday, while your first gift will be matched.


National Audubon Society
Photo: Danny Hofstadter
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(844) 428-3826

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