Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The deadly cost of droughts—and how you can help

Your first annual gift will be matched for the birds we love.
National Audubon Society
Sandhill Crane.
Sandhill Crane.
When in drought, birds need you. Double your impact now.
Your First Annual Gift Matched, Up To $5,000

Match Deadline: Midnight Friday
Donate Now

Time is of the essence for developing long-term solutions to save Utah's Great Salt Lake. Despite the increased water levels from this year's snowpack, the lake still faces long-term threats from water diversions, warming temperatures, and changing precipitation patterns. The 10+ million birds that depend on this ecosystem for breeding, nesting, or as a critical refueling point in their lengthy migrations are calling for our help.

Birds like the Sandhill Crane are depending on you, will you answer their call today? Please be one of the caring friends we're counting on to join us with an annual donation right away. Thanks to a group of generous donors, your first gift will be matched, up to $5,000, for the birds you love. An annual gift is a convenient way to provide for birds' future, as it renews automatically each year.
The deadly cost of drought and climate change
Low water levels affect food sources for migratory birds like the Sandhill Crane.
389 North American bird species are at increasing risk of climate extinction.
We've lost 3 billion birds in the last 50 years and must protect those that remain.
Birds tell us it's not too late—but there's no time to lose. With the ability to impact Western water policy and with expertise in conservation, we are uniquely positioned to identify long-term water-management solutions that will secure a reliable supply for Great Salt Lake and the birds that depend on it. And with the support of generous people like you, we're succeeding—working in state houses and the U.S. Capitol to achieve significant policy changes that are critical steps to a brighter future for birds and people alike. And those are just some of the ways we can protect birds and the places they need across North America with your help.

Will you please join in these efforts, and be part of all we do to protect birds everywhere we work? Remember, when you start an annual recurring donation now, your first gift will be matched, up to $5,000. But this match challenge ends on Friday. So please, be one of the friends we need to join us right away—and make the most of this chance to help with your most generous gift.


National Audubon Society
Photo: Marti Phillips/Audubon Photography Awards
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