Friday, June 16, 2023

Birds are already suffering from the effects of the code-red climate crisis

Get your first annual gift matched for birds like the Sandhill Crane.
When it comes to droughts, the potential costs of climate change are too high for both birds and people. If this code-red crisis continues unchecked, more extreme weather events lie ahead—worsening the outlook for birds and their habitats.
It's time to act on climate and to act for birds. They're already suffering from the effects of planetary warming—effects that will only intensify unless we change course. So please, start your annual recurring donation before midnight and your first gift will be matched to make twice the impact for birds like the Sandhill Crane.
National Audubon Society
Sandhill Crane.
Sandhill Crane.
Soar to birds' defense before tonight's midnight deadline.
Your First Annual Gift Matched, Up To $5,000

Match Challenge Deadline: Midnight Tonight
Donate Now

After months of extreme weather in the summer of 2020, throngs of migratory waterbirds seeking rest and refueling were forced to cram together in the few pools of hot, stagnant water that remained in the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge in California. A perfect setting for the spread of disease, it was there that a massive outbreak of avian botulism killed 40,000 birds including Mallards, Northern Shovelers, and other species—the worst outbreak in 40 years.

As climate change intensifies, catastrophes like this could become more likely. We're seeing terrible impacts happening not just in California, but all over the country. For example, time is of the essence for developing long-term solutions to save Utah's Great Salt Lake, a habitat that more than 10 million birds depend on. That's why we're asking dedicated bird lovers like you to join us with an annual donation before midnight. Thanks to a group of generous donors, your first gift will be matched, up to $5,000, for climate-vulnerable birds like the Sandhill Crane. Your annual gift will renew automatically each year, providing uninterrupted resources our teams can depend on in their work year after year.
The deadly cost of drought and climate change
Low water levels affect food sources for migratory birds like the Sandhill Crane.
389 North American bird species are at increasing risk of climate extinction.
We've lost 3 billion birds in the last 50 years and must protect those that remain.
We have shown that where there's action, there's hope—and together with supporters like you, we are building a brighter future for birds. Our proven combination of powerful advocacy, rigorous research, and on-the-ground conservation has helped give them safety, preserve key habitats, and achieve bold climate action. In California, we worked with partners to secure $10 million in emergency drought funding to create habitat for migratory waterbirds and we can do even more with your dependable donation.

Our committed action for birds is already making a positive impact. Where we work—and when you help—birds are better off. This is your last chance to make the most of this special match offer, so please don't miss it: Start your annual recurring donation before midnight tonight while your first gift will be matched for the birds you love.


National Audubon Society
Photo: Jean Hall/Audubon Photography Awards
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