Thursday, June 8, 2023

Supreme Court Weakens Clean Water Act

Also in this issue: Colorado River Basin States propose plan to reduce water use |
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National Audubon Society
Sora wading in shallow water.
Supreme Court Ruling Weakens Federal Standards for Clean Water
The Supreme Court's ruling in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency removes crucial protections for wetlands, limiting the Clean Water Act and threatening our ability to protect ecosystems and landscapes needed for birds and communities across the country. Read more
Great Egret preening itself, standing on top of a rock ledge.
Conservation Implications of Debt Ceiling Deal
The final deal to raise the debt ceiling includes provisions that will speed up the review of infrastructure projects. This faster review must come with proper funding for the agencies and programs that ensure we protect our lands, waters, and wildlife. Read our full statement
Great Egret.
News from the Flyways
Impact Updates
A close-up photo of a Golden Eagle.
Climate Corner
After filing a lawsuit in 2021, Audubon has now settled litigation challenging the approval of a new wind turbine facility in California's Altamont Pass. The Altamont Pass is home to the densest nesting population of Golden Eagles in the world, and it's also one of the largest wind energy resource areas in the United States. The settlement achieves improved protections for Golden Eagles and other birds while allowing the wind project to proceed. We're hopeful that this settlement will significantly reduce risks to Golden Eagles and lay the groundwork for Alameda County to listen to scientists, wildlife agencies, conservationists, and its own technical advisory committee before approving future projects. Read more
Golden Eagle.
Yellow-breasted Chat perched on a leafy tree branch.
Action Update
Last month, more than 11,000 Audubon members spoke out asking the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to protect birds, habitats, and communities in any plan to address water shortages from the Colorado River. During the comment period, Arizona, California, and Nevada announced they had reached an agreement to reduce their water use. The Bureau of Reclamation has suspended the comment period while it evaluates the states' proposal. When the time comes, we will call on you again to advocate for the birds that rely on the river. The places birds need in the Lower Colorado River Basin are in danger of being overlooked and disappearing if essential habitats don't have a guaranteed source of water. Read more
Yellow-breasted Chat.
Photos from top: Claudio Contreras Koob; Greg Albrechtsen/Audubon Photography Awards; Rodrigo Izquierdo/Audubon Photography Awards (left); Gary Robinette/Audubon Photography Awards (right)
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