Monday, June 19, 2023

7 Tips to Make Your Home Bird-Friendly

How to make your space more welcoming to birds.
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National Audubon Society
A fenced-in backyard with a sunflower garden and tree. An American Goldfinch and American Robin perch on a bird bath. To their right, a Yellow Warbler perches on a tree branch. Behind it, a cat observes the birds from a window inside the house.
Give a Whole New Meaning to Air BnB
Whether you live in an apartment or house, you can help birds thrive right where you live by making your home a safe, rejuvenating pit stop for feathered visitors.

Over the past century, urbanization has taken, fragmented, and transformed ecologically productive land with sterile lawns and exotic ornamental plants. Even small actions, like growing native plants, can provide tired, hungry birds with exactly what they need, particularly during migration.

Follow these tips to create a safe haven that attracts and supports beautiful birds and their sweet melodies. 
Learn More
Illustration: Bianca Bagnarelli
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