Friday, June 30, 2023

On July 4, Share the Shore

Nesting Snowy Plovers and Least Terns
Protect shorebirds this Fourth of July weekend!
Audubon California
Share the Shore this Summer
Snowy Plover chick in tire tracks, Photo: Alecia Smith



Summer has arrived! The sun is out, and Snowy Plover chicks are hatching. The babies leave the nest within just three hours. These tiny threatened birds are just the size of an adult person's thumb when they hatch.


If you're visiting the beach this weekend, remember that these plover families, along with endangered Least Terns, are raising their chicks nearby. You can be a bird-friendly beachgoer with three easy steps:

1. Keep dogs on leash or visit a dog-friendly beach.

2. Give shorebirds and seabirds at least 100 feet of space—that's the equivalent of 16 beach towels. Respect fences, signs, and roped off breeding areas.

3. Avoid the use of loud or large flying objects that shorebirds and seabirds perceive as predators such as drones, fireworks, balloons, and kites.


To learn more ways to support these shorebirds read our Share the Shore Guide or volunteer with your local chapter. You can check out Ventura Audubon's blog to see how they're protecting these threatened species and watch footage from their wildlife cameras. These are seriously cute birds - take a look. And thanks to Ventura Audubon's own Alecia Smith for the photo above. 
Thanks for being a plover pal and sharing the shore this summer with our feathered friends!

Liliana Griego
Senior Program Manager of Coasts
Audubon California
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