Sunday, June 11, 2023

📹 Candid videos of birds in the wild 📹

Watch stunning footage of birds in the wild.
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National Audubon Society
Clockwise from top left: Osprey; Sharp-tailed Grouse; Pileated Woodpeckers; Willow Ptarmigan; Bald Eagle; Carolina Chickadee.
2022 Audubon Photography Awards: Top 12 Videos
Nothing compares to seeing birds in action. Capturing compelling video of bird behavior can be a tall task—the videographer must be ready to record and able to stay focused on their often unpredictable subject for an extended period.

Last year's video entries to the Audubon Photography Awards capture vivid and intimate moments that show birds in all their beauty and power.

From a soaring Bald Eagle effortlessly ripping a large branch from a tree to an American Robin ice-fishing for minnows, watch fantastic footage of birds in the wild and discover the backstory behind each video.
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Clockwise from top left: Osprey; Sharp-tailed Grouse; Pileated Woodpeckers; Willow Ptarmigan; Bald Eagle; Carolina Chickadee. Video stills clockwise from top left: Brian Kushner; Liron Gertsman; Michael Fogleman; Marilyn Grubb; Barbara Carlson; Amy Boggan. All Audubon Photography Awards
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