Friday, June 9, 2023

How do wildfires threaten birds?

Climate change could make destructive fire seasons the new normal.
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National Audubon Society
Wildfire smoke consumes New York City, June 2023.
How Wildfires Boosted by Climate Change Threaten Birds
Like melting glaciers and rising seas, larger fires and longer fire seasons are among the predicted effects of climate change that are now coming to pass. How will this impact birds?

The fires currently blanketing the eastern U.S. in smoke come after an unusually dry winter in eastern Canada and record high temperatures in spring. While wildfires are normal, severity and frequency increases as forests dry out in warmer temperatures with inadequate rainfall. Here's how today's megafires pose new challenges to birds and people.
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Wildfire smoke consumes New York City, June 2023. Photo: Anthony Quintano/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
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