Friday, June 23, 2023

The birds we love are at increasing risk of extinction. Protect them today →

Get your first annual gift matched for birds like the Golden-cheeked warbler.
Right now, you have a powerful opportunity to have your gift go even further: When you make an annual gift today, your first gift will be matched to go twice as far for climate-vulnerable birds like the Golden-cheeked Warbler, thanks to a generous group of donors.
But this offer won't last for long, so please, don't wait: Be one of the bird lovers we're counting on to join us with an annual gift right away.
National Audubon Society
Golden-cheeked Warblers
Golden-cheeked Warblers.
Match Challenge Active
Give birds on the brink their best hope for survival.

The Golden-cheeked Warbler has experienced one of the steepest declines of any songbird: Two-thirds of their populations have been lost in the last 50 years alone. Its already-tiny nesting habitat has been decimated by development, earning it a listing as an endangered species. In the coming years, more species are sure to join them…unless we act now. We depend on the support of bird lovers like you to make our work possible so we can prevent future extinctions and help declining populations recover. So please, start your annual donation right away while, thanks to a group of generous donors, your first gift will be matched, up to $5,000, to protect the birds we love. An annual gift is a convenient way to provide for birds' future, as it renews automatically each year.

In the midst of this global biodiversity crisis, we need to do everything in our power to protect those species that remain. That's why our defense of key conservation laws like the Endangered Species Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act is steadfast, ensuring that vulnerable birds like the Golden-cheeked Warbler are protected from extinction.
Birds are in crisis:
More than half of U.S. bird species are in decline, with plummeting populations across nearly all habitats.
Most North American birds are under threat, with 389 species at increasing risk of going extinct.
Three billion birds have vanished in less than a single human lifetime.
Our unwavering efforts to protect vital habitats and our science-based climate work gives birds on the brink their best hope for survival. But how much we can achieve depends on friends like you. So please, be one of the caring bird lovers we're counting on to start an annual recurring donation while your first gift will be matched, up to $5,000, for birds and their habitats.


National Audubon Society
Photo: Melissa Cheatwood/Audubon Photography Awards
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(844) 428-3826

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