Friday, November 25, 2022

Kick off Giving Tuesday by unlocking $10,000 for birds

We're in a bird emergency and we need you
National Audubon Society
Scarlet Tanager.
Scarlet Tanager.
Don't let them disappear. Unlock $10,000 to protect birds
35 monthly donors unlocks $10,000 for birds

Giving Challenge Deadline: MIDNIGHT TONIGHT
Give Monthly

It's almost beyond comprehension. In the past 50 years—less than one person's lifetime—3 billion birds have vanished. And if we continue down this path without intervention, what happens to the birds that are left?

We're not waiting to find out. And with the tireless support of friends like you, we can ensure that birds like the Scarlet Tanager have a bright and abundant future. Help us kick off Giving Tuesday early with a gift that birds can depend on. We are counting on 35 new monthly supporters to help unlock an additional $10,000 thanks to a group of generous donors—so please don't hesitate to double the defense of the birds we all love.
We're in the midst of a bird emergency:
3 billion birds have vanished in less than a human lifetime.
Two-thirds of North American bird species are threatened with extinction due to climate change.
Birds like the Scarlet Tanager are losing vital forest habitat.
Birds like the Scarlet Tanager are struggling. They depend on intact forests for nesting and breeding, but as these critical habitats dwindle during the climate crisis, their future becomes uncertain. But it's not too late to intervene on birds' behalf.

Audubon works with local and federal decision makers to achieve common sense solutions to mitigate the climate crisis: from championing renewable energy to advocating for reduced carbon emissions to maintaining healthy forests and supporting sustainable agricultural practices. And we know that when we care for the places birds need the most, we also protect our planet from the most dire impacts of climate change.

So please make a gift that gives birds the unwavering protection they need—because what's best for birds is best for all of us. We're counting on 35 people who love birds just like you to unlock an additional $10,000 during our early Giving Tuesday challenge! Please don't delay—birds need you now.


National Audubon Society
Photo: Charles Vickers/Audubon Photography Awards
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(844) 428-3826

© 2022 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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