Monday, November 28, 2022

KAREN, we’re just hours away from Giving Tuesday

367 monthly donors needed to unlock $75,000
KAREN, we're just hours away from Giving Tuesday—a day when the Audubon community has always flocked together to protect the birds we love. In another year of rising temperatures, intense wildfires, and crippling droughts, the California Spotted Owl and other vulnerable birds need you more than ever before.
367 Donors Needed Before Midnight Tomorrow
Give Monthly
Will you be one of the 367 caring friends we need to join us before midnight tomorrow to secure $75,000 for birds? Start your monthly gift now, help power Audubon's best work, and help unlock additional funding through our special Giving Tuesday challenge.
National Audubon Society
California Spotted Owls.
California Spotted Owls.
Birds can't escape the impacts of extreme weather. But you can help.
367 Donors Needed To Unlock $75,000

Giving Challenge Deadline: MIDNIGHT TOMORROW
Donate Now

The California Spotted Owl is known to readily recolonize burned forest—but KAREN, they cannot recolonize barren ones. Over the past three decades the climate crisis has doubled the area of the western United States affected by forest fires and imperiled birds there need your help to survive.

We know your inbox is probably filled with lots of incredible offers today, but only this one comes with a promise to protect birds and the places they need. Right now, every new monthly gift will help unlock an additional $75,000 in crucial funding for birds and their habitats.

We're looking for 367 caring bird lovers to join us with a monthly gift in honor of Giving Tuesday to provide the support birds need, today and tomorrow. Will you be one of them?

While wildfires are a part of natural cycles in the western United States, the climate crisis makes every wildfire that sparks more likely to rapidly grow and spread. That means we need to work harder than ever before to protect the birds we love. Guided by science, we're pushing for reduced emissions, greener energy, and more resilient landscapes. With more than a century of conservation expertise behind our efforts, we know what it takes to protect birds and their habitats. And with your support, we can.

There's still time to give many climate-threatened birds a safer future—and there's no better time than now, on the eve of Giving Tuesday, to come together and give birds the help they so desperately need. Please be one of 367 caring friends we're relying on to start a monthly donation right away. Thanks to a group of generous donors, your effort will help unlock a powerful $75,000 gift. This special Giving Tuesday challenge ends at midnight tomorrow, so don't wait!


National Audubon Society
Photos from top: Danny Hofstadter; Thomas Fire, California, USFS
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National Audubon Society
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(844) 428-3826

© 2022 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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