Tuesday, November 29, 2022

[Giving Tuesday] Help unlock $75,000 in additional support for birds

This opportunity to amplify your impact for the birds we love won't last long.
National Audubon Society
Rufous Hummingbird.
Rufous Hummingbird.
It's Giving Tuesday! Amplify your impact for birds before midnight.
113 Donors Needed To Unlock $75,000

Giving Challenge Deadline: MIDNIGHT TONIGHT
Donate Now

This code-red crisis is unfolding before our very eyes: More than half of U.S. bird species are in decline. Of those, 70 species, including the beloved Rufous Hummingbird, are identified as at a "Tipping Point"—birds that have lost 50% or more of their populations in the past 50 years and are on track to lose another half or more in the coming decades.

If ever there was a time when birds needed the support of passionate people like you, KAREN—it's right nowAnd there's no better opportunity to help than today, on Giving Tuesday. We're counting on 113 committed bird lovers to start a monthly gift today to power Audubon's best efforts on behalf of birds. Thanks to a group of generous donors, your new gift will help secure an additional $75,000 for birds in need.

Our research identifies which birds are threatened, which habitats are most in need of protection, and which birds will most benefit from our efforts—findings that drive our hands-on conservation work. The recovery of waterfowl and waterbird populations proves conservation effectiveness. From the Everglades to the Central Valley of California, Audubon's efforts and partnerships have made a positive impact.

It comes down to this: Where Audubon works birds are better off. But with so much at stake, we can and must do more with you at our side. So this Giving Tuesday, please join us with a monthly gift while it will help unlock $75,000 more for birds and their habitats. Hurry—this special offer ends at midnight tonight.


National Audubon Society
Photo: Mark Kuhn/Audubon Photography Awards
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