Sunday, November 27, 2022

3 Days until Giving Tuesday. A chance to unlock $75,000 for birds.

Extreme weather is killing birds—but we've got solutions
National Audubon Society
Sandhill Cranes.
Sandhill Cranes.
Will you rise to the challenge? Unlock $75,000 for birds.
425 donors needed.

3 day challenge.
Unlock $75,000
Give Monthly

The Platte River Valley is the most important stopover on a Sandhill Crane's migration. It's the perfect place to rest, and the nearby farmlands and wet meadows offer an abundance of food. But the Platte River is drying up due to intense drought, and without the energy gained along the Platte, cranes might arrive at their breeding grounds in a weakened condition, if they make it at all. And sadly, with extreme weather affecting every bird in every biome with increasing frequency, we're in a bird emergency.

With more than 3 billion birds lost in the past 50 years, it's urgent we act now to preserve the critical habitats birds need to survive in this changing climate. Now's your chance to amplify your impact for birds like the Sandhill Crane: Start your monthly gift during this 3-day giving challenge and, thanks to a group of generous donors, you'll help unlock $75,000 for their protection. We need 425 donors like you to join us in defending birds against the worst effects of extreme weather.

KAREN, with your reliable support, we can meet these challenges and lessen the impacts of extreme weather on vulnerable birds. Audubon has a proven track record of working with state and federal lawmakers to protect birds and the places they need. We've been instrumental in advancing policy changes to fight the climate crisis, championing landmark climate legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act and helping restore federal safeguards to wetlands that support more than 28 million migratory birds annually.

We cannot continue this vital work without you.

Start your monthly gift today to help us build a climate resilient world—for birds and people. When you make a monthly gift by Giving Tuesday, you'll be one of the 425 donors we need to unlock another $75,000 to safeguard the birds we all love—so please donate generously now!


National Audubon Society
Photos from top: Sara Stein/Audubon Photography Awards; Joshua Tree National Park, California, Brad Sutton/NPS
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(844) 428-3826

© 2022 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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