Friday, December 27, 2024

2X your impact to protect shorebirds and all birds in need

All gifts matched 2X up to $500,000
American Golden-Plover.
American Golden-Plover.
2X Match Now Active

The American Golden-Plover is among the speediest shorebirds; it has to be to complete its marathon annual migration from the Arctic to southern South America. But shorebirds everywhere have faced worrying population declines over the past 40 years, and this elegant plover is no exception.

Will you help bring birds back, and give them a brighter future? We need 300 generous bird-lovers to come to their defense today to keep pace for our ambitious year-end goal. Make an annual gift right now and have it matched 2X up to $500,000—doubling the good you’ll do for birds.

Better yet, choose a gift that renews automatically each year and give birds consistent protection they can depend on.
We can bring birds back
It’s a delight to watch plovers and other shorebirds on a trip to the beach, but climate change is posing a multitude of threats to their coastal habitats. Sea level rise, storms, and flooding all threaten their survival. On top of that, they face disturbances caused by humans to the areas where they nest and breed.

These threats add up to a seriously uncertain future for shorebirds like the American Golden-Plover, one of the species named at a “tipping point” by the latest State of the Birds report. If we don’t act to stop the threats of climate change, 78% of its current breeding range could be lost.
Help meet the donor goal
But with your support, KAREN, we can give birds like the American Golden-Plover a brighter future. By protecting and restoring their habitats and advocating for policies that protect both birds and people from climate change, we can bring birds back.

Will you be one of the 300 donors we need today to stay on track toward our goal? An automatically renewing annual gift provides dependable support for our most important conservation efforts. Make your annual gift today to protect the birds you love, while it will be matched 2X by a group of generous donors.

Thank you for your support,

National Audubon Society
Photo: Mick Thompson
National Audubon Society
225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014 USA
(844) 428-3826

© 2024 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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