Thursday, January 20, 2022

Backyard birds are counting on you for support

Be one of the 37 new monthly donors we need to unlock an additional $10,000 for birds before midnight tonight.
National Audubon Society
American Robin. | hero image
American Robin.
Don't miss the chance to help unlock $10,000 for birds
Protect Birds, Today and Tomorrow


Give Monthly
37 Donors Needed Right Away
To Unlock $10,000

It's hard to imagine a world without the rich notes of the rust-bellied American Robin or the sweet warble of the American Goldfinch. Yet many of our familiar backyard birds face unprecedented challenges due to climate change as part of the two thirds of North America's bird species threatened with climate extinction. They need your help to secure a brighter future.

Will you be one of the 37 dedicated supporters we're counting on to start a monthly gift and help turn the tide for the birds we love? When you do, you'll help unlock an additional $10,000 for birds—but only until midnight tonight.

Science also shows that birds like the Rose-breasted Grosbeak and the Yellow Warbler, who spend part or all of their lives alongside us in our communities and backyards, are at risk with a cumulative loss of 26 percent in just the past 50 years.

But just as science reveals the crisis, it offers a way forward. For more than a century, Audubon's rigorous science has identified which birds are threatened, which habitats are most in need of protection, and which birds will most benefit from our efforts.

Those findings guide our work on their behalf: restoring and protecting intact forests, promoting plants for birds, leading nationwide community science efforts, and advocating for bird-friendly buildings. We speak out for stronger protections so that all birds can be safe. And we fight for the climate action birds and people urgently need.

But just how many birds we're able to protect depends on the steady support from committed bird lovers like you, KAREN. Please start your dependable gift right away and be one of the 37 new monthly donors we need to unlock an additional $10,000 for birds before midnight tonight.


The National Audubon Society
Photo: Corey Raffel/Audubon Photography Awards
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National Audubon Society
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(844) 428-3826

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