Help unlock $30,000 for birds in need.
We’re working with partners in the Great Lakes to bring the Piping Plover back from the brink. In fact, this past July captive-reared Piping Plovers were released in Lower Green Bay for the first time ever.
This is the first year captive-reared Great Lakes Piping Plovers were released outside the state of Michigan, where most of its population is found, marking a huge recovery milestone for these endangered birds.
We’re hopeful that with continued work and monitoring we can increase the nesting pairs found across the Great Lakes. |
Nearly 400 North American bird species are at increasing risk of climate extinction. |
The Piping Plover is endangered in 13 states and nearly gone from the Great Lakes. |
With 3 degrees of warming, the Piping Plover is at risk of losing 87% of its range. |
Photo: Camilla Cerea/Audubon. Illustrations: Piping Plover, Golden-cheeked Warbler, Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo. |

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