Monday, May 15, 2023

Last Chance: xBriefcase Super Early Bird Reward

Hey there,

What a week it's been. Our Kickstarter campaign hit our funding goal in 1 hour and continues to get new backers every day. We were even featured on the Kickstarter home page which is incredible!

If you haven't yet, this is your last chance to get the Super Early Bird discount (save $200!) before it ends tomorrow. Super Early Bird backers also get early shipping meaning you'll get your xBriefcase before everyone else!

Click here to reserve your Super Early Bird discount now.

We're extremely grateful for the response and can't wait to get xBriefcases in the hands of all our backers before launching it to the public later this year.

The retail price of the xBriefcase is set to be $499 so all of our current backers are getting an unbeatable price at $299 in addition to getting it before the official launch!

We're so excited about what's ahead and look forward to bringing you more game-changing innovations soon.

The xSuit Team

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