Tuesday, February 25, 2025

This annual calendar offer is waiting for you, KAREN

Start your annual gift to protect birds year after year
Birds are facing a code-red crisis, and you are the best hope they have. Start your annual gift to protect birds year after year, and receive Audubon’s 2026 calendar as our thanks.
Protect Birds
KAREN, whether you want to be transported to breathtaking landscapes or marvel at portraits of stunning species, Audubon’s calendar serves as a daily reminder of our shared love for birds and the fact that so many species still need our help to survive.

When you start your annual gift today, we’ll send you our 2026 calendar as our thanks for your commitment to powering our mission to build a brighter future for birds and our planet. Claim your free Audubon calendar with an annual gift today »
Protect birds and get the Audubon Calendar year after year
With more than a century of conservation expertise under our wing, our research is powering a path forward to help more birds survive at this critical time. And through important advocacy and hands-on conservation action to maintain and protect resilient landscapes across the nation, we’re pushing for the large-scale change it will take to ease habitat loss and help reverse the climbing temperatures of our current climate crisis.

But our best work on behalf of birds depends on the support of people like you. So please, join us in protecting birds with an annual gift while you can still receive Audubon’s 2026 calendar as our thanks.


National Audubon Society
Photos: Long-eared Owl, Scott Suriano; Peregrine Falcons, William Farnsworth; Wilson's Plovers, Cindy Barbanera-Wedel; Common Terns, Yan Zhang; Anna's Hummingbird, Jasmine Johnson; Pyrrhuloxia, Marti Phillips; Black-and-white Warbler, Brandon Corry; Blue Jay, Adrienne Elliot; Pine Grosbeak, Faysal Chebbi. All Audubon Photography Awards
National Audubon Society
225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014 USA
(844) 428-3826 audubon.org

© 2025 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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