Saturday, November 26, 2022

Giving Challenge active: unlock $10,000 for birds

There's still time to meet this challenge head-on
National Audubon Society
Baltimore Oriole.
Baltimore Oriole.
There's no time to lose. Help unlock $10,000 for birds.
Unlock another $10,000:

We urgently need 31 more monthly donors
Donate Now

One of the most brilliantly colored songbirds, sighting a Baltimore Oriole is like spotting a blazing sunset with wings. But we mustn't take their breathtaking presence for granted. After all, we've lost more than 3 billion birds in the past 50 years—including a steep 44 percent drop in Baltimore Oriole populations.

That's why we're asking our most dedicated bird defenders to join us today. Will you start a dependable monthly gift in response to the real and urgent dangers facing community favorites like the Baltimore Oriole? Thanks to a generous group of donors, just 31 new monthly donors helps unlock another $10,000 for the birds we all love.

Today's threats make Audubon's decades-long advocacy on behalf of birds like the Baltimore Oriole especially critical. Right now, we're prioritizing important habitat for native birds in our communities: from planting more than 800,000 native plants to supporting crucial legislation like the Migratory Birds of the Americas Conservation Enhancements Act. With rigorous research and more than a hundred years of working on behalf of birds, we know what it takes to ensure birds thrive today and tomorrow.

And it can't be done without you. Please join Audubon right away with a dependable monthly gift on behalf of all birds. We need 31 more amazing donors to help unlock another $10,000 to protect birds and the places they need. Because when we do what's best for birds, we do what's best for all of us.


National Audubon Society
Photo: Una Davenhill/Great Backyard Bird Count
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National Audubon Society
225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014 USA
(844) 428-3826

© 2022 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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