Friday, May 26, 2023

Birds are already suffering from the effects of this code-red climate crisis. But you can help.

Get your first annual gift matched for birds like the Piping Plover.
Storms have increased in frequency and intensity worldwide. And in the next 50 years, they're expected to become even more frequent and intense. Birds are telling us it's time to act on climate. They're already suffering from the effects of this code-red climate crisis—effects that will only intensify unless we change course.
Our work gives birds on the brink their best hope for survival—and our best efforts depend on the support of caring bird lovers like you. Please, don't wait: Start your annual recurring donation right away while your first gift will be matched, up to $5,000, for birds and their habitats.
National Audubon Society
Piping Plovers.
Piping Plovers.
Birds can't escape the impacts of extreme weather. But you can help.
Your First Annual Gift Matched, Up To $5,000

Match Challenge Deadline: Midnight Tuesday
Donate Now

The Piping Plover's pale back matches the white sand beaches and alkali flats that it inhabits. But with many of its nesting areas subject to human disturbance and other threats, it is now considered an endangered or threatened species in all parts of its range. As heavy downpours, flooding, and rising sea levels become increasingly common as the climate crisis worsens, we must flock together now for their protection.

Start an annual donation right away while, thanks to a group of generous donors, your first gift will be matched, up to $5,000. Please don't miss this important chance to amplify your impact for birds. Your gift will renew automatically each year, giving birds dependable protection they can rely on.
Birds can't escape the impacts of extreme weather
The Piping Plover is an endangered or threatened species in all parts of their range.
389 North American bird species are at increasing risk of climate extinction.
We've lost 3 billion birds in the span of a human lifetime.
Extreme weather is only getting worse as climate change advances. If it continues unchecked, the danger that lies ahead could worsen the impacts on birds and their habitats. But because we have listened to what birds are telling us, we're already protecting vulnerable species in every landscape where we work. With your support, we're preserving important habitats, advancing climate action, advocating for sound policy, and supporting sustainable resource management.

And we can achieve even more if you'll join us with a generous gift. We're counting on a few more caring friends to start an annual recurring donation during our special Match Challenge. Please consider donating right away and get your first gift matched, up to $5,000, to safeguard birds and the places they need.


National Audubon Society
Photo: Walker Golder
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(844) 428-3826

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