Thursday, May 25, 2023

Are birds nesting too close for comfort?

5 ways to deal with a bird nest that doesn't belong:
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National Audubon Society
A Mourning Dove sits in a hanging planter basket.
What Should I Do If I Find a Nest Where It Doesn't Belong?
So you've found a surprise nest near your home. What should you do about it?

Birds build their nests almost anywhere that's conveniently located and safe from predators. But perhaps a Carolina Wren saw your air-conditioning unit and thought, "That looks like the perfect place to start a family."

Whether you're excited about your new bird neighbors or skeptical about their nesting choices, here's what to do if you find birds raising young a little too close to home. 
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Mourning Doves are frequent home invaders, laying eggs in an air-conditioning vent, on an outdoor shelf, or, here, in a hanging planter basket. Photo: Duncan Selby/Alamy
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