Friday, December 16, 2022

With the deadline to get your gift matched just hours away…

Get your gift matched before midnight!

With the deadline to get your gift matched just hours away, we'll keep this quick: Left unchecked, warming temperatures could affect environmental conditions for half of the birds throughout all of the National Wildlife Refuge System's refuges.

Some species, like the Tundra Swan, may disappear from the system altogether.
Donate Now
Be steadfast in birds' defense, and make a donation right away. Your gift will be matched dollar for dollar up to $25,000—but only until midnight tonight! So please, don't miss this opportunity to get your support doubled.
National Audubon Society
Tundra Swans.
Tundra Swans.
Give birds a safer future. Your gift matched until midnight.
Your gift will be MATCHED, Up to $25,000

Donate Now

Spanning 95 million acres on land and 760 million submerged lands and waters across all 50 states, the National Wildlife Refuge System is supposed to be a place of safety and conservation for our beloved wildlife. Instead, warming temperatures are causing many birds to be pushed out of the places they call home—regardless of whether or not there is a more suitable habitat nearby.

Audubon works to protect birds and the places they need and we can't sit by while climate-vulnerable species like the Tundra Swan lose critical habitats. Your support powers our work for birds, not just today, but tomorrow, too. Give birds the protection they deserve—protection that doesn't waver—with a donation right away. Until midnight tonight, your gift will be matched dollar for dollar up to $25,000, thanks to a group of generous donors.
Safe places made less safe
The habitats that birds depend on are changing quickly.
Not all birds will be able to adapt.
Two-thirds of North American bird species are at increasing risk of climate extinction.
The wildlife refuge system covers a vast array of ecosystems across the country, and the consequences for the birds in the refuges tell us a lot about what could be in store for humans if we fail to take action. That's why, with the support of bird lovers like you, Audubon is working with decision-makers and land managers to ensure the National Wildlife Refuge System has adequate funding, and to expand the system to meet the needs of birds and people as they adapt to a changing climate.

So please, don't miss this opportunity to be the friend birds need with 2X the power. Make a generous gift today and defend the birds you love.


National Audubon Society
Photo: Melissa Rowell/Audubon Photography Awards
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