Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Don’t miss this opportunity to make 2X the impact for birds

Get your first annual gift matched before midnight!
We're at a now-or-never crossroads, KAREN: The decisions we make now will determine if we can secure a livable future—for birds and for people. That's why today's one-day match offer is so critical.
Donate Today
When you start your annual donation before midnight, your first gift counts DOUBLE, up to $20,000. So please, don't miss this chance to help secure a safer future for birds like the Scarlet Tanager.
National Audubon Society
Scarlet Tanager.
Scarlet Tanager.
Be birds' champion. Your first annual gift matched today!
Your first annual gift MATCHED, Up to $20,000

59 donors needed today
Donate Now

"It's now or never if we want to limit global warming." That was the dire warning from Jim Skea, Co-Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group III, upon release of the group's latest report earlier this year. If we fail to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, Audubon research shows that two in three bird species in North America may be vulnerable to extinction, including the beloved Scarlet Tanager.

Audubon acts on behalf of birds—and where there's action, there's hope. You can help strengthen our efforts today: Will you start a gift that renews automatically each year before midnight while your first gift will be matched, up to $20,000, to protect the birds you love?
This is an emergency for birds
We've lost 3 billion birds in the span of a human lifetime.
Two-thirds of North American bird species are threatened with extinction due to climate change.
Birds like the Scarlet Tanager are losing vital forest habitat.
Guided by science and research, Audubon continues to work for practical, effective solutions to the urgent problem of climate change—just as we have for over 100 years. Using our proven combination of committed advocacy, empowering education, and expert on-the-ground conservation, we've shown that by protecting what birds need to thrive, we can improve our climate outlook.

But we depend on your support to make it all possible—and birds can't wait. That's why we're asking you to start an automatically renewing annual donation today. Thanks to a group of generous donors, your first gift will be matched before midnight.


National Audubon Society
Photo: Lia Bocchiaro/Audubon
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National Audubon Society
225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014 USA
(844) 428-3826 audubon.org

© 2022 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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